New perspectives: the future of Saint-Malo karting under the direction of the new owner


  • New owner : Paul Colin has taken the reins since June 2024.
  • Visible improvements: makeover exteriors and giant screens for the results.
  • Objective: Provide an improved experience to audience.
  • Expectations: News outlook for karting in Saint-Malo.
  • Location: Largest circuit of karting in Brittany, near Saint-Malo.

Since its acquisition by Paul Colin in June 2024, the Saint-Malo karting is about to enter a dynamic and innovative era. With a deep connection to the region, this motorsport enthusiast is already transforming the facilities by making notable improvements. Climbing on a circuit which stands out as the largest in Brittany, Paul’s new initiatives promise to redefine the pilot experience, while strengthening commitment to securityrity and comfort. The ongoing changes pave the way for a promising future for this iconic place, combining passion And performance.

Since the resumption of Saint-Malo karting by Paul Colin in June 2024, new perspectives are emerging for this famous Breton track. As a karting enthusiast, he plans to transform this space into a dynamic and secure place, meeting the expectations of drivers and visitors. This article explores the ambitions of this new owner and the future developments for Saint-Malo karting.

A dream come true

Paul Colin, a man who grew up between Paris and the Breton coast, has always been fascinated by karting. Buy back the karting Saint-Malo represents for him “a childhood dream”, an opportunity to dive into the heart of his passion and share it with a wide audience. By taking the reins of this institution, he also intends to keep the culture of karting alive in the region, while bringing it towards a new golden age.

Visible improvements from the start

Upon his arrival at the head of the establishment, Paul Colin initiated a series of visible changes, such as the exterior repainting and the installation of giant screens to display the results. These innovations aim not only to strengthen the aesthetics of the site, but also to improve the customer experience. Visitors are thus more engaged and can monitor their performance in real time on modern devices.

Safety at the heart of concerns

One of the key aspects of karting management under the direction of Paul Colin is undoubtedly the security. It is crucial to ensure the well-being of pilots, whether novice or experienced. Work will be carried out to improve the infrastructure of the track, thus ensuring optimal safety standards and a pleasant driving experience. This will also attract more enthusiasts and competitions to the circuit.

Event and competition projects

Looking to the future, the new owner plans to organize regular events and competitions. With the largest track in Brittany, Saint-Malo karting has the potential to host local and regional races, attracting drivers from all walks of life. Paul Colin is also considering establishing partnerships with other circuits to create a busy calendar of events, providing even more visibility to the track.

A space for all audiences

In addition to competitions, Paul Colin’s desire is to make Saint-Malo karting an inclusive space, attracting a wide range of visitors: families, friends, driving schools, and even companies wishing to organize team events. building. Its goal is to make karting accessible to all ages and levels, thus launching educational initiatives for young drivers.

A promising future

With Paul Colin’s passion and his commitment to beautifying Saint-Malo karting, the future seems bright. The changes envisioned, emphasis on safety, and event plans mark the start of a new era for this iconic track. For those looking for thrills and an unforgettable experience, Saint-Malo karting has established itself as an unmissable destination. For more information and to follow the news, do not hesitate to visit the official karting website Or their Facebook page.

Axis of evolution Details
Renovated atmosphere Repainting of exteriors for a refreshed image.
Modern technology Installation of giant screens to display results in real time.
Accessibility Increased opening hours, including during holidays.
Attractiveness Promotions and special events to attract more visitors.
Diversified activities Proposal of sessions adapted to different levels of experience.
Community engagement Partnerships with local organizations for joint events.
Enhanced security Updated security protocols to keep participants safe.
Ecology Initiatives to reduce the circuit’s carbon footprint.
Training and Education Creation of educational programs to raise awareness about karting safety.
Improved infrastructure Modernization of facilities and services for customers.
  • Infrastructure improvement : Renovation work to modernize the facilities.
  • Strengthened customer experience : Installation of giant screens to monitor results in real time.
  • Increased security : Implementation of new measures to guarantee the safety of pilots.
  • Special events : Organization of competitions and open days to attract the public.
  • Expansion of activities : Introduction of new types of karts and formulas suitable for all ages.
  • Environmental awareness : Initiatives for a more ecological operation of karting.
  • Local partnerships : Collaboration with companies and schools to promote karting.
  • Promotion of karting : Marketing campaigns to publicize the circuit and its activities.
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